A very nani IRO Halloween

Pattern: self draft
Fabric: nani IRO Colourful Pocho Opera (dark green)

How's everyone's Halloween celebration yesterday? I'd like to share the DIY pet costume that I made for my little creature. As Melbourne is pretty warm recently, nani IRO's fabric would be a perfect choice to go with. I picked the Colourful Pocho, the vivid polka dots are super cute and it would be a great fabric to make a spotty dinosaur costume. My idea is pretty simple, I drafted a hoodie pattern for Pepper and added spikes on the back and the hat. It's my first time pattern making for pet's clothing so it does take me a while to figure it out.

Here are shots when I testing my pattern and also testing my model's patience... (please excuse my messy sewing table!)

Pepper has pretty big ears so I decided to include 2 huge buttonholes to let them out and included drawstrings in the hat hoping it will stay on her head. But I still lost to Pepper's crazy doggy shake.

This little project doesn't need long time to sew, but it's quite fun.

Here is the finish shots.